SUNDAY BLOG POST - June 26, 2022
Welcome, everyone, back to my blog. We have a few things to discuss today, so let’s get into it, shall we?
The first topic of discussion is my newest release, which is the first half of my suite from Airborn. This is a new project, so in order to get a handle on the general style of the story, you can reference the first link at the bottom of this post. The book called for a very old fashioned score, completely orchestral and reliant on memorable theme after memorable theme. As such, the first half of the suite presents the general heroic theme, with a string interlude for a love theme, should it need to be used. You can listen to the suite from the second link, and the second half of the suite is coming next Thursday.
Normally, this spot would be reserved for a teaser for next week’s upload, but I kind of already did that, so we’ll just move straight to the listening recommendation. On the louder side of things, a link to recording session footage of Thomas Bergersen’s outrageously entertaining “Shiver Me Timpanis” from Myth can be found at the bottom of this post. Joining that link is one to the softer piece, Christopher Young’s melancholy “Eclipsed Heart” from Priest.
Stay tuned for the next post, coming July 3 if all goes to plan!
- Thomas
Airborn Summary:
Airborn Suite:
Shiver Me Timpanis:
